Friday, April 17, 2009

Calling all Schwan's Fans....

Okay, so our little brownie troop is broke! Because we started in March we missed cookie sales. So next Saturday we will be having a Schwan's fundraiser. I hope that we can even make a little money. I will be hitting up anyone who is actually reading this when I have more details, which I had hoped to have today but the guy won't call me back.

We are having a little brownie event at my place tonight. No big deal. I'm just the mean leader who won't let the kids play in Abby's room. I just don't feel like cleaning up after 8 kids. I know they will clean up, but you know it is still always a mess. Anyways, we are going to have pizza, and make friendship bracelets. I think a movie and popcorn may also be involved. Should be fun. Then we are having a sleep over, not with the brownies. Just with Courtney and Raye who I have been promising a sleep over with since we moved into the apartment.

I don't have Abby this weekend. Well at least Saturday and Sunday. It is weird when she is with her dad. I still don't know what to do with myself even after a year. I think I'm going to work on a banner for the parade and read a book. I really like the book I'm reading I just don't have time to read it. I'm also going to start watching season one of gossip girl. I've heard it is good, so we will see. I forgot that I have lost to watch also.

I was happily shocked to have a follower! Thanks Jessica. I hope that I don't bore you to tears.

1 comment:

  1. I like staying busy too. You are a girl after my own heart. Baskin-Robbins was great!! You are Little Miss Sunshine!! Let me know about the Schwan's sale.
