Thursday, April 30, 2009

Harry Potter

Hmmm, my last three blogs started with the word so....

Anyway, I got tickets to the Harry Potter exhibit that is in Chicago. We are going to Chicago at the end of June. This exhibit is just the icing on the cake. I'm such a geek. I can't wait to go. They have over 200 items from the movies, life like statues of Dolby, Dementors, and even a chess piece from the first movie. I guess it is a tour where you will see the Hogwarts Express, the Gryffindor common room, the great hall, Hagrid's hut and the forrest. Thank god, Abby is also excited. Now, we get to skip the Field museum. No taxidermy animals for me! I've been told that the Musuem of Science and Industry is one of the best science museums ever. I've never been, so we will see. I was so happy that she still wants to see the art museum. I thought she would lump that right in with the Field musuem. But, she wants to see the Seurat which is my favorite! She is such a neat little kid.

The lawyer filed the paper work and I have a court date in June. I will be divorced if all goes well in August. So weird! Our 10 year anniversary would have been on May 7th. That date keeps coming up this year. I guess it is because fresh in my mind, but seriously. I think it has been brought up at least 10 times for one reason or another. I just feel deflated when I hear it. It was supposed to be a milestone, not the sad day it has become for me.

The brownies and I tried to make soap this week. I have made soap before. I didn't buy glycerin soap this time. Just unscented regular soap. Well, let me tell you that it does not melt. And when heated it smells, bad. Instead of melting, it sort of turned in to a blob. Almost like when you microwave a marshmallow. Abby's actually ate the cup we cooked it in. What a mess. One of the girls said "when my mom was a leader I'm sure she never did this". Thank you Grace.

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