Saturday, April 18, 2009

Aaaah, Much better!

So I found a site that has free layouts and now my blog looks much happier.

Last night we had our little brownie get together. Three of our brownies couldn't make it, we missed them. The girls were really good. I would definatly do it again. The only thing hard about being in an apartment is after a certain time they have to quiet down. But they listened. We tried to make friendship bracelets. They weren't quite ready for that so we learned how to braid. That was much better and now I'm glad that Kelley and I decided to wait on the sewing patch.

So, Abby was going to have the twins stay the night and then they wanted to go home. Kelley felt so bad, but I totally understood. Thank goodness Mary Jo was able to bring Makenna back over and they are now next to me working on Pixos.

I watched the first episode of Gossip Girl and I will be addicted. It is definatly a guilty pleasure. No rocket science here.

I'm planning for a really boring weekend. Laundry, grocery shopping and a couple of projects. But, after running around all week it will be a nice break.

Okay, so here is a silly question, I'm I supposed to say goodbye? I'm done babbling, but what do I say talk to you soon? See you later? I don't know......

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