Thursday, April 16, 2009

First Post

Okay, so I decided that I'm going to start blogging. Abby and I have a lot of new things we are learning about this big world.

This is our crazy time of year and I just can't seem to stop adding things to my plate. The problem is that I want to do all of the things that I take on. I can say no. I want to be on the PTA. It helps me stay connected to the school and since I can't be there during school hours to help this is my way of making a difference. I also want to run the brownie troop. I like helping the girls and Abby loves loves that I'm doing this.

So I guess the answer is I'm just busy. It does help that a few nights a month she stays with her dad. That gives me a break, which I usually spend catching up on tv shows or sleeping.

I don't want this blog to just be my rants, although it will be a place to vent. I figure it is just a way to keep in touch.

Tonight, we are going to Baskin and Robbins for family fun night. The PTA will recieve 20% off all of the sales for the people who mention Oakland Elementary. So if you are in Royal Oak stop by the B&R on Washington and mention our little school. We even have some of the teachers scooping ice cream. I hope it goes over well, since I'm the one who set this whole thing up.

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