Monday, May 4, 2009

When I think back I remember feeling lonely. I was kidding myself. I have great friends and I know that. But, they can't replace what I have lost. I miss having someone ask me how my day was and what I have planned for tomorrow even if they sound like the same day. I miss the attention, even if it was the wrong attention. I feel like a child. And lastly, I miss my dog.

This isn't where I thought I would be at 31.

I don't mind working. But, I feel like I'm just barely surviving, just staying afloat. I can't see where my future is going. Where will I be in 10 years? Even more alone as my child will be going off to college?

I long for the old days.....

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Harry Potter

Hmmm, my last three blogs started with the word so....

Anyway, I got tickets to the Harry Potter exhibit that is in Chicago. We are going to Chicago at the end of June. This exhibit is just the icing on the cake. I'm such a geek. I can't wait to go. They have over 200 items from the movies, life like statues of Dolby, Dementors, and even a chess piece from the first movie. I guess it is a tour where you will see the Hogwarts Express, the Gryffindor common room, the great hall, Hagrid's hut and the forrest. Thank god, Abby is also excited. Now, we get to skip the Field museum. No taxidermy animals for me! I've been told that the Musuem of Science and Industry is one of the best science museums ever. I've never been, so we will see. I was so happy that she still wants to see the art museum. I thought she would lump that right in with the Field musuem. But, she wants to see the Seurat which is my favorite! She is such a neat little kid.

The lawyer filed the paper work and I have a court date in June. I will be divorced if all goes well in August. So weird! Our 10 year anniversary would have been on May 7th. That date keeps coming up this year. I guess it is because fresh in my mind, but seriously. I think it has been brought up at least 10 times for one reason or another. I just feel deflated when I hear it. It was supposed to be a milestone, not the sad day it has become for me.

The brownies and I tried to make soap this week. I have made soap before. I didn't buy glycerin soap this time. Just unscented regular soap. Well, let me tell you that it does not melt. And when heated it smells, bad. Instead of melting, it sort of turned in to a blob. Almost like when you microwave a marshmallow. Abby's actually ate the cup we cooked it in. What a mess. One of the girls said "when my mom was a leader I'm sure she never did this". Thank you Grace.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So, it's a new week. Last week went by in a blur. Thursday was take your child to work day. Abby had a blast. She helped me a little but the most fun she had was in accounting. She got to post mail and shred paper. One of our sales men brought her in a mini rose plant which was the nicest thing! It was a nice day, but I was exhausted. Saturday we had our first soccer game. The girls did great. We won 8 to 5 I think. I missed part of the game for our fundraiser. The fundraiser was slow, but we made enough money for our patches.

Wow, am I boring!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So, it's Wednesday. The middle of the week. I feel like this has been a long week already. Tonight I have an appointment right after work and Abby has a soccer scrimage at 6:00. Fun Fun.

Tomorrow is bring your child to work day. Abby is so excited to come to work. I'm afraid she is going to be bored to tears. I have a ton of little things for her to do and we will go out to lunch. I also have a poster for her to make and take into school on Friday. After work we have dance at 5:45 and then it is the school open house. Thank goodness, I have a quiet weekend. One soccer game and our fundraiser. Oh, look at that. About the fundraiser.... It is at Oakland in the parking lot from 11 am to 3 pm. If you would like to see the products for sale check out

I'm sure I will have something more amusing to post tomorrow. I really just wanted to put the word out about the fundraiser. Especially, since I have 2 followers who already now about it.

TaTa for now....

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Aaaah, Much better!

So I found a site that has free layouts and now my blog looks much happier.

Last night we had our little brownie get together. Three of our brownies couldn't make it, we missed them. The girls were really good. I would definatly do it again. The only thing hard about being in an apartment is after a certain time they have to quiet down. But they listened. We tried to make friendship bracelets. They weren't quite ready for that so we learned how to braid. That was much better and now I'm glad that Kelley and I decided to wait on the sewing patch.

So, Abby was going to have the twins stay the night and then they wanted to go home. Kelley felt so bad, but I totally understood. Thank goodness Mary Jo was able to bring Makenna back over and they are now next to me working on Pixos.

I watched the first episode of Gossip Girl and I will be addicted. It is definatly a guilty pleasure. No rocket science here.

I'm planning for a really boring weekend. Laundry, grocery shopping and a couple of projects. But, after running around all week it will be a nice break.

Okay, so here is a silly question, I'm I supposed to say goodbye? I'm done babbling, but what do I say talk to you soon? See you later? I don't know......

Friday, April 17, 2009

Calling all Schwan's Fans....

Okay, so our little brownie troop is broke! Because we started in March we missed cookie sales. So next Saturday we will be having a Schwan's fundraiser. I hope that we can even make a little money. I will be hitting up anyone who is actually reading this when I have more details, which I had hoped to have today but the guy won't call me back.

We are having a little brownie event at my place tonight. No big deal. I'm just the mean leader who won't let the kids play in Abby's room. I just don't feel like cleaning up after 8 kids. I know they will clean up, but you know it is still always a mess. Anyways, we are going to have pizza, and make friendship bracelets. I think a movie and popcorn may also be involved. Should be fun. Then we are having a sleep over, not with the brownies. Just with Courtney and Raye who I have been promising a sleep over with since we moved into the apartment.

I don't have Abby this weekend. Well at least Saturday and Sunday. It is weird when she is with her dad. I still don't know what to do with myself even after a year. I think I'm going to work on a banner for the parade and read a book. I really like the book I'm reading I just don't have time to read it. I'm also going to start watching season one of gossip girl. I've heard it is good, so we will see. I forgot that I have lost to watch also.

I was happily shocked to have a follower! Thanks Jessica. I hope that I don't bore you to tears.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


If you have an blog tips for me let me know. I feel like I need blogging for dummies. How do people get their blogs looking so cute?

First Post

Okay, so I decided that I'm going to start blogging. Abby and I have a lot of new things we are learning about this big world.

This is our crazy time of year and I just can't seem to stop adding things to my plate. The problem is that I want to do all of the things that I take on. I can say no. I want to be on the PTA. It helps me stay connected to the school and since I can't be there during school hours to help this is my way of making a difference. I also want to run the brownie troop. I like helping the girls and Abby loves loves that I'm doing this.

So I guess the answer is I'm just busy. It does help that a few nights a month she stays with her dad. That gives me a break, which I usually spend catching up on tv shows or sleeping.

I don't want this blog to just be my rants, although it will be a place to vent. I figure it is just a way to keep in touch.

Tonight, we are going to Baskin and Robbins for family fun night. The PTA will recieve 20% off all of the sales for the people who mention Oakland Elementary. So if you are in Royal Oak stop by the B&R on Washington and mention our little school. We even have some of the teachers scooping ice cream. I hope it goes over well, since I'm the one who set this whole thing up.